Novichok – Production etc

So, this is my first post. It does seem rather long, but this is what research gives you, and I want to give as many details as possible, as opposed to ‘This is why, and no, I’m not stating how I got there’ Also, any comments, feedback on this would be great šŸ™‚

For this one, I will be looking at Novichok, which is featuring heavily in the news. This bit of research is based on the earlier news stories, and not the latest involving two members of the British public. Novichok agent is rumoured to be behind the attempted murder of two Russian citizens in the UK. But where the Main Stream Media (MSM) has instantly jumped on the coat tails of the government, Iā€™m looking at something a bit different, at the actual production etc.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading šŸ™‚

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Novichok agent – Word version

Novichok agent – pdf version

Novichok agent – Word version (zipped)