Is London Really Deadlier Than New York

This research is based upon a news article, or FactCheck, where it asks is London deadlier than New York.

So, for this bit of research, I’m going to look at the figures to determine if the article is true or false.

Now, looking at this actual article, it does say this:

“The original reports were based on figures seen by the Sunday Times on or before 1 April.
They showed that in January this year, the New York Police Department investigated twice as many murders as London’s Metropolitan Police did.
But in February, the positions were reversed: New York investigators opened 11 new homicide cases, while the Met started 15 murder probes. March saw a rise in both cities’ murder count, with 21 and 22 homicides in New York and London respectively.
On that basis, there were widespread reports that London’s murder tally was higher than New York’s in February and March.”

Normally I create videos based on the same research, but the websites that I used have been updated. My screenshots still stand, as they were correct at the time, so underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Murder Rate – Document File

Murder Rate – PDF file

Murder Rate – Zip file

One thought on “Is London Really Deadlier Than New York”

  1. This is a very interesting article comparing the murder rates both in the NYPD and the London websites, and I agree with you that there’s not enough evidence to confirm that fact. However it’s given me the chance to look through the NYPD and the London websites which I really enjoyed doing, so thanks very much for that! However, on a different note but one in line with the article, the NYPD describes the felony in its lists as ‘murder & non-negligent manslaughter’. Now, in view of the most resent development in language, shouldn’t we be saying either ‘man-slaughter’ or ‘woman-slaughter’ as the case may be? Unfortunately though, there are those who can’t identify with either of those two, the transgenders, so how about putting in ‘human-slaughter’ instead. That would suffice! But just hang on a minute. What about popping in ‘humane-slaughter’ to be on the safe-side. You can’t honestly trust those ‘AI’s!!!

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