Total deaths for US and UK, for any infectious disease

What are the total deaths for US and UK, for any infectious disease? Research looking at the actual numbers that are collated in the databases at WHO, UN, ONS and NHS.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Overall Numbers – Document File

Overall Numbers – .PDF file

Overall Numbers – zip file

Music vs Drugs for Surgery

For this bit of research, I’m going to be looking at to see if music as effective as drugs in calming nerves prior to surgery? A look at the research that was carried out between a relaxing song and midazolam.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions. Plus, I’ve included the original pdf of the research paper.

Music vs Drugs – Document File

Music vs Drugs – .PDF file

Music vs Drugs – zip file

Original Research Paper – pdf

Oil Tanker Attack – Limpet

For this bit of research, I’m going to be looking at the limpet charge relating to my previous research regarding the attack on the oil tankers in the Gulf earlier in 2019.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Limpet mines – Document File

limpet mines – .PDF file

Limpet mines – zip file


For this piece of research, I’m looking at a news article regarding procrastination, and the links to certain parts of the brain, and the actual research that was conducted to explain the theories.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Procrastination – Document File

Procrastination – .PDF file

Procrastination – zip file

A Building in Bingham – What is it?

This is a bit of a different type of research. I like to say I look at all things in the world of research. Some in the news, some not, but all are looking into things in more depth.
So, once again, a random bit to look at. I’m looking at a building. Fantastic, I hear you yell, a building. Wow, does it have a roof? Well, yes it does, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Bingham – Document File

Bingham – .PDF file

Bingham – zip file

Umbrage – Vault 7

A side-bit of research looking at a few things. We start off with all computers (AMD or Intel) being patched against Spectre, and then move onto the Wikileaks CIA leak, where Vault 7 gets a look at, in particular at one tool…Umbrage.

Mainly computer stuff, hopefully not too intense, but some may get lost 😉

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Umbrage – Document File

Umbrage – .PDF file

Umbrage – zip file

Oil Tanker Attack – June 2019

For this bit of research, I’m going to be looking at the ‘evidence’ that Iran was behind the attack on the oil tankers in the Gulf earlier in 2019. I’ll be looking at the actual video, pictures etc. from the direct source, as well as images from the media. Bear in mind, as this happened in the middle of the ocean, and there aren’t many people swimming by with their phones, I won’t waste time looking for images on social media, unless it’s from a news outlet.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading.

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Tanker – Document File

Tanker – .PDF file

Tanker – zip file

Case Management Files – A Review

So, for this bit of research, I’m not looking at a news article, but it’s something that was mentioned in a YouTube clip. It was regarding a civil case, and I won’t be linking it here, but there was something in the video that caught my attention, and I want to find out if what they said is true or not.

So, what is it? Well, basically it was this:

When you’re going to court, they bring out the case management files and there is a declaration box which you must sign before. Only two people can sign this: the defendant (yourself) or your solicitor. Without a signature, you can’t be charged or sent to prison.

So, that’s what I want to look at, and see if it’s true or not. And if it is, and someone has represented themselves but not signed this and was sent to prison…

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Case Management – Document File

Case Management – .PDF file

Case Management – zip file

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading 🙂

Is London Really Deadlier Than New York

This research is based upon a news article, or FactCheck, where it asks is London deadlier than New York.

So, for this bit of research, I’m going to look at the figures to determine if the article is true or false.

Now, looking at this actual article, it does say this:

“The original reports were based on figures seen by the Sunday Times on or before 1 April.
They showed that in January this year, the New York Police Department investigated twice as many murders as London’s Metropolitan Police did.
But in February, the positions were reversed: New York investigators opened 11 new homicide cases, while the Met started 15 murder probes. March saw a rise in both cities’ murder count, with 21 and 22 homicides in New York and London respectively.
On that basis, there were widespread reports that London’s murder tally was higher than New York’s in February and March.”

Normally I create videos based on the same research, but the websites that I used have been updated. My screenshots still stand, as they were correct at the time, so underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Murder Rate – Document File

Murder Rate – PDF file

Murder Rate – Zip file

Pay Gap Between Men and Women

This next bit of research was from an article in March 2018, but I completed the research in June 2018. It is about the gender pay gap stating that its 16%. I looked to see if it was 16%, and if it was for all countries, and any profession.

I’ve created a video that is basically an easier way to look at this article. The details and links are the same as this written version, but a lot of people find watching easier to understand than the reading 🙂

Also, underneath are the links to the actual article, so that you can read at your leisure etc. They’re in word, pdf and word (zipped) versions.

Pay Gap – Word Version

Pay Gap – pdf Version

Pay Gap – Word version (zipped)